Concerts 1935 to 2025


                                                 (in concert diary format)

193520 FebJudas Maccabæus (Handel) (Parish Church)
 10 AprHandel evening (Methodist Church)
193622 JanThe Creation (Haydn)
 15 DecMerrie England  (German) (Concert version)P
193724 MarThe Holy City (Gaul)
193817 NovElijah (Mendelssohn)
193921 MarTom Jones (German)
  3 MayElijah (Choruses and Solos) (Methodist Church)
 17 DecMessiah (Regal Cinema, Beccles)
  We know these were done during the war but have no formal dates
  St Paul   (Mendelssohn)
The Redeemer  (Shaw))
  Songs from The Bavarian Highlands ? (Elgar)
  The Seasons (Haydn)
  Hiawatha Part 1 – Hiawatha’s Wedding Feast pre-The Seasons (Summer & Winter) (2p programme) 1946 (source Muriel)
1940AprHymn of Praise (Mendelssohn)
1941AprThe Woman of Samaria (Sterndale-Bennett)
 DecThe Pied Piper (Parry)
1942 Jesu, Priceless Treasure (Bach)
  Blest Pair of Sirens (Parry)
1943 Hiawatha Part 2 – The Death of Minnehaha (Coleridge-Taylor)
19453 FebJohn Gilpin (F.H.Cowen) + part songs (St. Michael’s Parish Hall)
 15 SepPassion (Haydn ) (Performed on Good Friday so date is incorrect)  as above
 1 DecMerrie England (German)
 22 DecCarols & excerpts from Handel’s “Messiah” (Congregational Church)
1946No date1946  The Seasons (Summer & Winter) Haydn
 10 DecBanner of St. George (Elgar) (Public Hall)
1947 4 AprMessiah (Handel)
 9 NovRemembrance Concert (Regal Cinema, Beccles)
  6 DecCarmen (Bizet) (Public Hall)
194824 AprElijah (Mendelssohn) (Public Hall)
 20 MayMessiah (Handel) (with Bungay CS, Great Yarmouth Musical Society, Lowestoft CS, and the Lowestoft Singers) (St Margaret’s, .Lowestoft)
 ?? NovFestival of Remembrance  (Regal Theatre, Beccles)
 11 DecHiawatha Part II (The death of Minnehaha)  (Coleridge-Taylor) & Fantasia on Christmas  Carols (Vaughan-Williams) (Public Hall)
194915 AprThe Creation (Haydn)
 3 DecMaritana  (W.V.Wallace) (Public Hall)
19507 Apr*The Passion of our Lord (St.John)  (Bach)
 9 DecThe Pied Piper of Hamelin (Parry) &  In Windsor Forest (Vaughan-Williams)
195123 Mar*Messiah (Handel)
 6 JulMerrie England (German) (with Bungay Choral Society)
 1 DecTales of Hoffman (Offenbach)
195211 AprThe Passion (Haydn) & Magnificat (Bach)
 6 DecFantasia on Christmas Carols & other works including Zadok the Priest
19533 AprRequiem (Mozart) & Benedicite (Vaughan-Williams)
 14 NovCarmen (Bizet) & Songs of Love (Brahms)
 23 DecMiscellany of Christmas Music
195416 Apr*The Redeemer (Shaw) &  Jesu, Priceless Treasure (Bach)
 23 JulHiawatha’s  Wedding Feast    (with other Choral Societies & the BBC Midland Orchestra) (St.Andrew’s Hall, Norwich)
 20 NovThe Bartered Bride (Smetana)
 11 DecMessiah (Handel) (with Great Yarmouth Musical Society)
1955 8 AprMessiah (Handel) (21st Anniversary Performance)
 12 NovTales of Hoffmann (Offenbach)
195630 MarA Short Passion (St.Matthew) (Bach)
 17 NovLiebslieder Waltzes (Brahms), Serenade to Music etc. (Robert Easton)
195719 AprJudas Maccabæus  (Handel)
 16 NovThe Seasons (Haydn)
1958 4 AprThe Passion of our Lord (St .John)
 24 AprThe Passion of our Lord (St. John) (with Great Yarmouth Musical  Society)
 16 DecConcert of Christmas Carols and Music
195927 MarMessiah (Hande)
 14 MayMessiah(Handel)  (at Norton Parish Church in aid of Thurlton, Norton and Thorpe churches)
 21 NovSongs from the Bavarian Highlands (Elgar) & Songs of the Sea  (Stanford)
19602 AprJoshua  ( Handel)
196121 JanIn Windsor Forest  (Vaughan-Williams) & Songs of the Fleet (Stanford)
 18 MarSamson (Handel)
 25 NovAcis and Galatea (Handel) & Nœnia (Brahms)
196231 MarRequiem Mass (Mozart) & Cantata No.4 (Bach)
 24 NovSemele  (Handel)
196323 Mar*Magnificat (Bach) & Mass in B Flat (Haydn)
 23 NovThe Bartered Bride (Smetana)
196414 MarSleepers Wake (Bach) & Third Mass (Imperial)(Haydn)
  5 DecHiawatha’s Wedding Feast  (Coleridge-Taylor) & A Ceremony of Carols (Britten)
196527 MarElijah (Mendelssohn)
  4 DecDido & Aeneas (Purcell)  & Christmas Cantata (Bush)
196626 MarMessiah (Handel)
 26 NovHighways (Jacob) & A Ceremony of Carols  (Britten)
1967 8 AprThe Creation (Haydn)
 25 NovTales of Hoffmann (Offenbach)
1968 6 AprChandos Anthem No.6.(Handel)  & The Theresa Mass (Haydn)
  7 DecA Cotswold Romance (Vaughan-Williams) & Christmas Carols
196919 AprGloria (Vivaldi) & Saint Nicolas (Britten)  (with  Great Yarmouth Musical Society)
 3 Mayas above  (Town Hall, Great Yarmouth)
  6 DecA Christmas Cantata (Bush)
197011 AprJoshua  (Handel)
  5 DecThe Seasons (Spring, Summer and Winter)  (Haydn)
1971 3 AprRequiem (Fauré)
  4 DecFantasia on Christmas Carols (Vaughan-Williams) & Highways – A cantata of Travel (Gordon Jacob)
197215 AprMesse Solenelle (Rossini)
  9 DecL’Allegro (Handel)
197314 AprStabat Mater  (Dvorak)
  8 DecDido & Aeneas (Purcell) & A Christmas Carol (Thiman)
1974 6 AprSleepers Wake (Bach)  & Messe Solennelle (Gounod)
 26 OctSongs of Love (Brahms) & In Windsor Forest (Vaughan-Williams)
197512 AprImperial (Nelson) Mass (Haydn)  & Alleluia, Haec Dies (Donati)
 29 NovThe Little New Born Jesus (Buxtehude) etc.
1976 3 AprRequiem Mass (Mozart) and Anthems by Palestrina, Byrd, Gibbons)
1977 5 FebCommemoration Concert for the 25th Year of Accession of Queen Elizabeth II  –  Zadok the Priest (Handel)  etc.
  2 AprMessiah (Handel)
197822 AprMagnificat (Bach) & Mass in C  (Beethoven)
  9 DecHiawatha’s Wedding Feast (Coleridge-Taylor)
1979 7 AprStabat Mater  (Dvorak)
  8 DecA Christmas Cantata (Bush) etc.
198026 AprAcis and Galatea  (Handel)
 13 DecChristmas Music
1981 9 MayGloria (Vivaldi) & Magnificat (Pergolesi) & Beatus Vir (Monteverdi)
 12 DecRequiem (Fauré) & A Hymn to the Virgin (Britten)
198222 MayCome Ye Sons of Art & Funeral Music for Queen Mary (Purcell)
 11 DecMessiah (Part 1) & Christmas Carols
198314 MayCoronation Mass in C (Mozart), Ave Verum Corpus etc.
 10 DecChristmas  Concert
1984 5 MayMerrie England (German)
  8 DecFantasia on Christmas Carols (Vaughan-Williams)  etc.
198511 MayThe Creation (Haydn) (with Bungay Choral Society)
 12 Mayas above (St. Mary’s, Bungay)
 23 NovHiawatha Part 1 – Hiawatha’s Wedding Feast (Coleridge-Taylor)  & Liebslieder Waltzes (Brahms)
198619 AprElijah  (Mendelssohn) (with Bungay Choral Society)
 20 Apras above (St. Mary’s, Bungay)
 29 NovMessiah (Part 1),  Sleepers Wake (Bach) and Night of Miracles (Peterson)
 30 Novas above
198724 OctTom Jones  (German)     (Concert Version) (Public Hall)
 22 DecChristmas Carol Concert  (with the Loddon Band) (Public Hall)
198814 MayRequiem (Fauré) & Cantata No 68 (Bach)
 13 DecChristmas Carol Concert  (with the Loddon Band) (Public Hall)
198913 MayThe Seasons (Haydn)
 19 DecCharity Christmas Concert (with Waveney Valley Brass)
199021 AprGloria (Vivaldi) & other songs  (Petit Couronne)
 12 MayGloria (Vivaldi) & Coronation Anthems (Handel)
 13 Mayas above  (Holy Trinity, Loddon)
199024 NovMessiah  Part I (Charity Performance)
199118 MayStabat Mater (Rossini), Cantique de Jean Racine (Fauré), Psalm 150 (Franck)
 16 Nov“All at Sea”  Concert of maritime music including Songs of the Fleet (Stanford) (Public Hall)
 15 DecThose you have loved from Oratorio  (Hungate Church)
199216 MayImperial (Nelson) Mass & Te Deum (Haydn) with the Orchestre de Chambre de l’Ecole  Nationale de Musique et de Danse, Grand Couronne
  5 DecChristmas Oratorio (Bach ) & A Fantasia on Christmas Carols
199315 MayRequiem (Mozart), Festival Te Deum (Holst) , National Anthem (arr.Britten)
 11 DecGloria (Rutter) etc.
199421 MayA German Requiem (Brahms), National Anthem (arr. Britten)
   9 JulEvensong  (Norwich Cathedral )
   3 DecJudas Maccabæus  (Handel) (Diamond Jubilee Concert)
199520 MayBritten. (Te Deum laudamus, Blest Pair of Sirens,  Songs from the Bavarian Highlands, Zadok the Priest etc.)
 9 DecAn  Evening of Baroque Music : Beatus Vir (Monteverdi), Dixit Dominus (Handel)  & Gloria (Vivaldi)
199625 MayElijah (Mendelssohn)
 7 DecVesperae Solennes de Confessore (Mozart) ; Messiah Part 1 (Handel)
199724 MayRequiem (Verdi)
 29 NovGloria (Poulenc) & Great Opera Choruses
199816 MayTe Deum (Haydn), Requiem (Fauré) and Missa Brevis (Kodaly)
 16 SepWRVS Jubilee Service (Norwich Cathedral)
 12 DecThe Creation (Haydn)
199915 MayA Sea Symphony (Vaughan Williams) ; Two Hymns to the Mother of God (Tavener)
 11 DecSt. Nicolas (Britten) ; Wachet Auf (Bach)
200013 MayRequiem (Mozart) ; Folk Overture, Black Dog, A Gull’s Eye View of Houses,  and Beccles 2000 – Then, Now and Beyond  (D.Scott)
 16 DecMissa Sancti Nicolai (Haydn), O Sing unto the Lord (Chandos Anthem No. 4 )(Handel), Christmas Motets (Poulenc), Laudate Dominum (Honneger)
200112 MayBach St John Passion
 15 DecDurufle Requiem, Lauridson Magnum Mysterium, VaughanWilliams Fantasia on Christmas carols, Rutter Tomorrow will be my dancing day ( St Michael’s Church)
200218 MayCoronation Celebration Rutter Gloria, Gorecki Totus, Tutus Murrill Carillon (organ solo) Arnold Laudate Dominum, Handel Zadok the Priest, Chilcott The making of the Drum, Parry Best Pair of Sirens, Parry Jerusalem, Britten God Save the Queen (St Michael’s Church
 14 DecHandel Messiah
200313 DecCharpontier Te Deum, Mozart Coronation Mass and carols (Loddon Parish Church)
200422 MayRossini Petite Messe Solennelle (Blythburgh Church)
 Dec 18Mozart’s Laudate Dominum; Handel’s Judas Maccabeus Part3; Bach’s Christmas Oratorio Part 1+Carols
200528 MayHaydn Nelson Mass, Mozart Requiem (Blythburgh Church)
 3 DecChristmas Songs from Round the World (Loddon Parish Church)
20061 JulyMozart Coronation Mass, Schubert Mass in G, Handel Zadok the Priest, Masagni Easter Hymn
 16 DecRamirez Navidad Nuestra, Carols
 14 MayCarmina Burana, Brahms Lieberslieder Walzer, (Snape Maltings Concert Hall)
200728 AprilRossini Stabat Mater, Opera Choruses (St Michael’s Church)
 11 AugustOrff Carmina Burana (Kentwell Hall)
 15 DecBritten St Nicholas, Carols
200819 AprilSuffolk Reflections Marriott, Suffolk Suit Cunnane (arr), FourSuffolk Folk Songs Scott and Griffin Gulls Eye View Scott and Watts Beccles 2000 (St Michael’s Church)
 1 JulyHandel Messiah
 13 DecVaughan Williams Fantasia on Christmas Carols,  Finzi InTerra Pax,  Rutter Dancing Day, Scarlatti Christmas Cantata, Haydn Missa Sancti Nicholai (St Michael’s Church)
200925 AprilFaure and Durufle Requiems St Michael’s Church)
 4 JulyHandel Alexander’s Feast (St Michael’s Church)
 13 DecLauridson O Magnum Mysterium with carols (Public Hall)
201017 AprilDvorak Mass in D, Elgar Give unto The Lord, Parry My Soul There is a Country, Elgar Organ Sonata in G ( 1stMov), Parry Never Weather Beaten Sail, Elgar Ave Verum Corpus, Parry Blest Pair of Sirens (St Michael’s Church)
 19 JuneElgar Six Choral Dances from the Bavarian Highlands, Greig Nordic Suit, Stanford Songs of the Sea, Borodin Polovtsian Dances, Vaughan Williams O Clap your Hands (St Michael’s Church)
 13 DecRamirez Navidad Nuestra and carols (Public Hall)
201128 MayHandel Judas Maccabeaus ( St Michael’s Church)
 11 DecVivaldi Gloria and carols ( Public Hall)
201227 MayJubilee Concert. Mozart Coronation Mass, Handel Coronation Anthems, Parry I Was Glad and others (St Michael’s Church)
 9 DecVaughan Williams Fantasia on Christmas Carols and carols(Public Hall)
201319 MayRossini Messe Solenelle ( St Michael’s Church)
 8 DecBritten Ceremony of Carols and carols ( Public Hall)
201418 MayBrahams German Requiem ( St Michael’s Church)
 7 DecCarols with a French Flavour (Public Hall)
201517 MayMozart Requiem, Ave Verum Corpus, Exsualte Jubilate,Symphony 29, LaudeDominum ( St Michael’s Church)
 15 NovHandel Messiah ( St Michael’s Church)
 15 DecCarols ( Public Hall)
201622 MayHaydn Creation ( St Michael’s Church)
 11 DecVaughan Williams Serenade to Music, John Rutter BrotherHeinrich’s Christmas and Christmas music ( St Michael’sChurch)
201713 MayElgar Dream of Gerontius (Snape Maltings Concert Hall)
 10 DecChristmas Cracker concert (Sir John Leman High School)
201820 MayBeethoven Missa Solemnis (St Michael’s Church)
 25 NovBach Christmas Oratorio  (St Michael’s Church)
 16 Dec Christmas Cracker concert (Sir John Leman High School)
201911 MayVerdi Requiem (Snape Maltings Concert Hall)
 24 NovHandel Messiah (St Michael’s Church)
 15 NovChristmas Cracker! (Sir John Leman High School)
   COVID lockdowns
202111 DecLe Retour! Faure Requiem, Cantique de Jean Racine (St Michael’s Church)
202223 AprElgar The Music Makers, Sea Pictures, Cockaigne Overture (Snape Maltings Concert Hall)
  12 Nov Jenkins The Armed Man (St Michael’s Church)
 11 DecChristmas Cracker! (St Michael’s Church)
2023 20 MayMendelssohn Elijah (St Michael’s Church)
 19 NovHandel Messiah (St Michael’s Church)
 10 DecChristmas Cracker! (St Michael’s Church)
202411 MayVaughan Williams A Sea Symphony, Old Hundredth, Five Mystical Songs (Snape Maltings Concert Hall)
23 NovPetite Messe Solennelle (St Michael’s Church)
15 DecChristmas Cracker! (St Michael’s church)

Compiled by Victor Kendrick

(edited by Roger Thompson)

(updated by Diz Swift)