
The Constitution December 1967 (Last amended June 2023)
The name of the Society shall be the Beccles Choral Society, herein referred to as the Society.

The objectives of the Society are to advance, improve, develop and maintain public education in choral music, particularly by the study and performance of choral works in the town and district.

The Society shall be managed by:
Chairman                               Vice-Chairman
Hon. Secretary                      Hon. Treasurer
Concert Secretary                 and 6 other members.

A quorum shall be five members present, of whom two must be officers. A conductor and accompanist(s) shall be invited to attend Committee meetings in an advisory capacity. He\she shall not have the right to vote and shall not be a Trustee of the Society. Non-voting members may be co-opted as required. The maximum total of voting committee members should not exceed eleven.

Should an Officer need to resign, the members will appoint a replacement at a Special Meeting called for that purpose. If exceptional circumstances lead to the resignation of more than half of the committee as elected at the last AGM the remaining members of the committee shall automatically call an Extraordinary General Meeting within 28 days of the date of the last resignation.

The Society shall appoint a President and one or more Vice- Presidents.

Appointment of the Musical Director and Accompanist will be made by the Committee. The appointment will include terms, conditions and remuneration. Termination of this agreement by the Musical Director or Accompanist must be given from midnight following the concert performance to the next scheduled rehearsal.

The election or re-election of officers and committee shall take place at the Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.). Nomination papers shall be circularised at least three weeks before the date of the A.G.M. Consent must be obtained from all nominees.

All arrangements for and the management of rehearsals and concerts, and the control of expenditure and finance shall be in the hands of the Committee.

The Society shall apply for the affiliation to the N.F.M.S

Any person desiring to become a member shall, in the first instance, apply to the Hon. Secretary.

All members will be expected to be regular in attendance at rehearsals and concerts. The Committee may make rules limiting performance at concerts to those who have attended a minimum number of rehearsals.

 The annual subscription payable by active members shall be as decided by the Committee.It shall be payable from August each year. If necessary, these subscriptions may be paid in instalments from August and completed by the end of November. (amended at the AGM on 20th Sept 2023)
New members joining after September shall pay the subscription on joining. New members joining after the Winter concert for the first time shall pay a proportion of the annual subscription, as decided by the Committee.
A bank account shall be opened in the name of the Society. The Committee shall authorise in writing four members of the Committee to sign cheques on behalf of the Society. All cheques must be signed by at least two of the authorised signatories.

The funds of the Society shall be applied solely to its stated objects.

The members of the Society shall not receive payments either directly or indirectly for their services, other than legitimate expenses incurred in its work.

The Conductor\Accompanist salaries shall be reviewed by the committee on a yearly basis.

If the Committee by a simple majority decides at any time that on the grounds of expense or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Society, it shall call a meeting of all its members of the Society who have the power to vote, of which meeting not less than twenty-one days’ notice (stating the terms of the Resolution to be proposed thereat) shall be given. If such a decision shall be confirmed by a simple two-thirds majority of those present and voting at such a meeting, the Committee shall have power to dispose of any assets held by or on behalf of the Society. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to the objects of the Society as the Committee may determine.

The end of the financial year shall be on the 31st July. The Annual General Meeting shall be held after that date, but before the end of September.  The Society’s accounts shall be audited or examined to the extent required by legislation or, if there is no requirement, scrutinised by a person who is independent of the Committee.

The members shall be summoned to a General Meeting after the close of each season on notice being given by the Committee, for the purpose of receiving a report from the Committee, receiving and adopting the financial accounts, appointing an Independent Examiner to undertake the task outlined in sub-paragraph 9e, electing the officers and Committee members, and considering any other relevant business placed on the Agenda by the Committee. Twenty-one days’ notice shall be given of the A.G.M.

Special meetings may be called from time to time by the Committee, or on the written request of not fewer than 10 members of the Society, stating the term of the Resolution to be put before the meeting. Nothing further shall be brought forward for discussion at that meeting. Fourteen days’ notice shall be given of all Special Meetings.

Any proposed alteration in these rules must appear on the Agenda for the A.G.M. and, unless such a proposal is sponsored by the Committee, a copy of the Resolution must be sent to the Hon. Secretary at least fourteen days before the date of the A.G.M.  A two- thirds majority of members present and voting is necessary for the passing of such a Resolution, provided that no alteration shall be made to Clause 2 (Aims and objects), Clause 9d (Dissolution) and Clause 12 (Alteration of rules), and provided that no alteration be made which would cause the Society to cease to be a Charity in Law.

Footnote to 5b: From January 2001, N.F.M.S. will be known as “Making Music”, but N.F.M.S. will remain as its sub-title.