List of works performed


Compiled By Victor Kendrick   (edited by Roger Thompson, Diz Swift)

ARNOLD                                              Laudate Dominum

BACH                                                    The Passion according to St. Matthew

                                                                The Passion according to St. John


                                                                Christmas Oratorio

                                                                Cantata No 4      (Christ lay in Death’s Dark Prison)

                                                                Cantata No.  68  ( Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt )

                                                                Cantata No. 140 ( Wachet Auf )     

                                                                Jesu, Priceless Treasure  

BEETHOVEN                                      Mass in C

BIZET                                                   Carmen (Concert Version)

BORODIN                                            Polovtsian Dances

BRAHMS                                             Liebeslieder Waltzes              


                                                                A German Requiem           

                                                                Songs of Love

BRITTEN                                             St. Nicolas                         

                                                                A Ceremony  of Carols

                                                                A Hymn to the Virgin   

                                                                National Anthem (arrangement)       

BUSH                                                    A Christmas Cantata

CHARPONTIER                                 Te Diem

CHILCOTT                                          The Making of the Drum

CUNNANE                                          Four Suffolk Songs (arr)

COLERIDGE – TAYLOR                 Hiawatha’s Wedding Feast      

                                                                Death of Minnehaha

DONATI                                                Alleluia, Haec Dies

DURUFLÉ                                            Requiem

DVORAK                                              At the Foot of the Cross (Stabat Mater )

Mass in D

ELGAR                                                  Songs from the Bavarian Highlands       

                                                                Banner of St. George

Give Unto The Lord

Dream of Gerontius

FAURÉ                                                  Requiem

                                                                Cantique de Jean Racine

FINZI                                                    In Terra Pax

FRANCK                                               Psalm 150

GAUL                                                    The Holy City

GERMAN                                             Merrie England        

                                                                Tom Jones  (Concert Version)

GORECKI                                             Totus Tuus

GOUNOD                                              Messe Solennelle

HANDEL                                            Messiah                                

                                                                Dixit Dominus




                                                               Chandos  Anthems

                                                                Acis and Galatea                 


                                                                Judas Maccabæus     

                                                                Coronation Anthems

Zadok The priest

Alexander’s Feast

HAYDN                                                 The Seasons                       

                                                                The Creation

                                                                Mass in B Flat                             

                                                                Mass in D Minor

                                                                Te Deum                                      

                                                                Imperial (Nelson) Mass

                                                                The Theresa Mass           

                                                                The Passion (The Seven Last Words)

                                                                Missa Sancti Nicolai      

HOLST                                                  Festival Te Deum

HONNEGER                                        Laudate Dominum

JACOB                                                  Highways – A Cantata of Travel

JENKINS                                               The Armed Man

KODALY                                              Missa Brevis

LAURIDSEN                                        O Magnum Mysterium

MARIOTT                                       Suffolk Suit

MENDELSSOHN                                Elijah                                   

                                                                Hymn of Praise

                                                                St. Paul

MONTEVERDI                                   Beatus Vir

MOZART                                              Requiem            

                                                                Mass in C

                                                                Vesperae Solennes de confessore

Laudete Domoinum

Ave Verum Corpus

OFFENBACH                                      Tales of Hoffman

ORFF                                                     Carmina Burana

PALESTRINA                                      Motets

PARRY                                                  The Pied Piper of Hamelin

                                                                Blest Pair of Sirens

Never Weather Beaten Sale

PERGOLESI                                         Magnificat

PETERSON                                          Night of Miracles

POULENC                                            Gloria                                                   

                                                                Christmas Motets

PURCELL                                             Dido and Aeneas            

                                                                Miscellaneous Motets

                                                                Birthday Ode (Come Ye Sons of Art) for Queen Mary

                                                                Funeral Music for Queen Mary

                                                                Te Deum

RAMIREZ                                            Navidad Nuestra

RUTTER                                               Gloria

ROSSINI                                               Messe Solennelle              

                                                                Stabat Mater

ROWLEY                                              The River

RUTTI                                                   Tomorrow shall be my dancing day

RUTTER                                               Gloria

Brother Heinrich’s Christmas

SCOTT                                                  Beccles 2000

SHAW                                                   The Redeemer     


SMETANA                                           The Bartered Bride (Concert Version)

STANFORD                                          Songs of the Fleet                               

                                                                Songs of the Sea

TAVENER                                            Two Hymns to the Mother of God

THIMAN                                              A Sequence of Christmas Carols

VAUGHAN-WILLIAMS                   Benedicite                   

                                                                Fantasia on Christmas Carols

                                                                Hugh the Drover                   

                                                                In Windsor Forest

                                                                Serenade to Music                              

                                                                A Sea Symphony

O Clap Your Hands

Old Hundredth

Five Mystical Songs

VERDI                                                  Requiem

VIVALDI                                              Gloria

WALLACE                                           Maritana (Concert Version)